' '' About Us - iC Digital Assets Ltd

About Us and What We Do For Your Company

We help small and medium size companies use their current digital assets to create Automated Sales and Lead Generation Systems.

We also train your staff how to use them, develop them and search for new Digital Marketing Tools and Methods. We help your company use all your digital assets that have evolved and grown arms and legs. We specialise in helping companies who may not have dedicated Digital Marketing staff.

This means companies from £200,000 turnover to £2 million turnover in sales. Usually with up to 20 staff depending on the nature of the business.

We firstly have a free one hour discussion either face to face at your offices or via Skype or just telephone. If you think we can help you increases sales, leads or enquiries we then carry out a a full inventory of your “digital assets”.

These may be your website, images, reports,emails or social media. This could take up to two days and you can see our charges on the Price Page   Youtube without links or tags PDF without links or videos. Newsletter – no Autoresponder An image without a link. Social media chaos. and lot more…  

See our charges on the

 Price Page

Tackling complex cases & seeing them through

Analysing your Digital Marketing and Profit and Loss account can have dramatic effects on your sales,leads enquiries and profit margin in a matter of days.

Commitment to help with difficult cases

We can spend two days in your department or company and give you a comprehensive and graphical report of your competencies just click the image above.

Focus on what works

Digital Marketing is full of rabbit warrens and distractions. Focus on what works and what you need and what your customers expect to happen when they visit your site. You get more of what you focus on.

Book & Magazine Publishing

Since the spread of the internet magazine and book publishing has seen massive changes with magazines losing circulation and advertising revenue competing against the faster more immediate on line magazines.

Book publishing with on line formatting and publishing to Amazon and other platforms has created a zero barrier to entry for authors and publishers. It is now so easy to create a magazine on line with free tools and distribution and set up a simple payment system, every company should consider creating a magazine, supplements or booklets as valuable digital assets.

We have a experience in subscription management, advertising and publishing and can help the start-up,SME or experienced publishers to keep their magazines and books at the top of their brand leadership.  

Exhibitions & Conventions

Again these events usually take place in Spring and Autumn ( Fall), although smaller seminars can be throughout the year.

Exhibitions are complex undertakings requiring a lot of teams and multi tasking employees with talent and leadership.

Bringing in media partners and sponsors, publishing directories and guides all add to the buzz surrounding exhibitions and conferences.

Even in today’s digital world, conferences and exhibitions play an important part of the digital marketing mix.

Our experience  in this specialist industry goes back 20 years.

Sometimes we can act as the external “fixer” or as the internal short term assistance to staff who have multiple functions to deal with.

Our price rates are in the Price List.

Seminars & Conferences

Traditionally, the convention season is Spring and Autumn ( Fall).

It takes on average 16 weeks to launch and produce a two day conference.

There is also a prior period of around 12 weeks to create the content, speakers, logistics and marketing support.

In many cases the venue has to be booked months and sometimes years in advance. 

It doesn’t matter if it’s a convention or seminar in a small room or a packed hall, the first thing is to book the venue, then run like crazy to get the content developed.

We help you create a logical workflow and roll out, be it a morning seminar at a local hotel or a large convention hall, we will create the digital marketing systems and guide your internal teams to manage the event.

Subscription Management

Historically, managing the invoicing and collection of paid subscriptions for magazines and clubs was a paper driven practice supported by telesales.

Today we add in the further process of digital marketing as a means of keeping a subscriber on board.

The valuation of a company is based on it’s renewal rate and the management of the unsubscribes and the size of the brand “universe”.

It’s a permanent analysis of these figures which keep advertiser’s  and publishers obsessed.

Analysis is the key, repetition is the game. Repetition means reputation as they say.

We have helped small publishers with a few hundred high value newsletters to 200 page magazines circulated to tens of thousands of subscribers throughout Europe.

We also have experience at buying the resale rights from USA companies and selling them to European publishers.

Product Launches & Services

There are thousands of great products in the World which are completely unknown.

The clamor for attention from developers is now so great it is hard to be even noticed without a unique product, presence and a lot of money.

Finding the launch platform or distribution outlet, be it on line or off line is very time consuming and costly. We used introduce USA product creators to specific European markets.

These days that process is done on line, then followed up in person or virtual person. Time consuming and costly and a lot of dead ends.

We can help you through the maze, restrict your time and budget and keep focused on the job at hand, which is to launch a product or service and get paid. We are results driven.

Email Marketing & Automation

We started with less than 100 subscribers for one of our products and it grew to 12,000, all paying £135 per year with a 90% renewal rate.

It took around four years, but that was before the internet and relied on postal services.Today those figures can be achieved in weeks if the offer is right and the list has been built on a strong foundation.

Automated emails with “staircase” sales values are the way to do it. We see many companies simply blasting out broadcast emails every other day offering discounts- discount- discounts, without really knowing how their list is broken down and what happens after a prospect clicks on ( or not) the email.

There are simple systems costing just a few dollars per month, but very effective and there are sophisticated systems, which “learn” behaviour, which can cost £15,000 “onboarding” and £750 per month. It’s not something to just “do” and hope you get it right.

Email Automation has to be an integrated part of your Digital Marketing System. Do you have a customer database but no email automation? 

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Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is the activity of making sure  a website can be found in search engines such as Google, Bing,Yahoo and Safari, for words and phrases relevant to what your site is selling.

In many ways it’s a quality control for websites. Having said that, if there was ever an industry that was little understood ,it’s SEO.

There is organic SEO and paid for SEO. There are plugin tools for your site and there are paid consultants.

Consultants can charge thousands of pounds per month for their services because they get results and if you are spending a lot more on Google Adwords than you are on your consultants then it’s not such a bad deal.

Key “SEO” into the Google search engine and you will get 500 million results in just half a second.

We only work with the highest recognised Google Certified partners as our SEO Associates.

Profit & Loss Analysis

The devil is in the detail. Digital Marketing activities can evolve into an unstructured series of expenses, from hosting to SEO services to Facebook Advertising.

It soon mounts up. We have experience at forensic research into  Profit & Loss Account reporting

For example, how much does it cost you to make a sale? Or get a lead? Is there anyone in your company analysing sales and marketing?

Are you fooling yourself ? thinking the cash is rolling in only to find out when it’s all added up at the end of the day, week or month, you actually didn’t make any money on certain products?


Real Estate Sales & Marketing

The real estate business in the UK is undergoing a slow “boiling the frog” transformation.  Ultimately resulting in a dead frog.

Estate agents are locked into a legacy of high street presence ( none needed as 95% of all home search begins on Rightmove).

To compete with the plethora of on-line and digital estate agents, traditional estate agents will begin eating their own foot. They do this by reducing the amount of commission charged, ( currently in the UK 1% and sometimes 0.75%).

That’s what estate agents traditionally do, target the houses already on the market with other agents.

As well as doing this, Estate Agencies should look at the way they use their current assets and maximise them instead of sticking to the time honoured way of doing things.

We all know that if you are not on Rightmove or On The Market, then you are nowhere, but you can supplement these memberships by connecting your digital marketing systems and making them work together to increase your brand and presence. We can help you do this, we’ve done it before and we can help you get more listings and more viewings.

Financial Services and Media

Financial Services & Media


We’ve put these as a group because they are all considered “ professions” and as such suffer from an old fashioned  fear of promoting themselves beyond a basic website and brochure. They rely heavily on their “authority” and business partners profiles, rarely using other means of connected digital assets. Yet their business is full of golden nuggets of success and information which can be connected into a Digital Marketing System and legitimately promoted. There is more to a client than the annual check-up, annual accounts and financial review. Clients are a moving target, things happen all the time and it doesn’t take much to steal them away.  By shining a light on your activities and your digital assets we can maximise your presence and keep your name in front of your clients with positive help, informative news and useful messages.

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